In October we kicked off our Grand Annual Campaign. A letter with our financial report were mailed to the homes of registered parishoners. If you didn't receive the letter or financial report, click on the links to the left to read and view the information. We decided to keep last year's goal of $85,000.
The success of the Grand Annual is important as it allows us to maintain the strength and energy of our parish. Thank you for your consideration.
In May of 2023, we kicked off a Stewardship Campaign to help our parish grow for the future. Many associate stewardship with giving money. And this is very important to running any parish. However, giving of our time and talent is just as important.
Take a moment to view our Program & Ministry Guide, that highlights all the various programs we have at St. Theresa. Everything from faith-based to social. Our hope is you will join something that may interest you. Also, we have programs and events that can only happen with volunteers. Volunteering is a fun way to get to know fellow parishioners and become part of our community.
We appreciate the generosity of so many parishioners throughout the year. Thank you!!!
If you haven't thought about your offertory giving in awhile, we humbly ask you to take a moment to re-evaluate your giving to the parish.
We also want to remind parishioners the various, easy ways, you can donate to the parish.:
Without the financial support of our parishioners, we would be unable to provide the programs and events that allow us to grow together spiritually and in community. Our mission is to bring the message of God to everyone and help all to realize that what makes us unique is our belief in the true presence of Christ in the Bread and Blood of the Eucharist. We also want to grow in community and friendship. We know the importance of gathering together, building relationships with those who share the same values and beliefs, and in a way that meets the needs of the whole person and family.
Like donors of the past, who built our church, underwrote gatherings and events, supported capital investments, and kept the lights on so we could be here today, so too we need your help and financial support to grow toward tomorrow.
Every donation, no matter the amount, is a blessing. Thank you!
Within the Catholic Church tithing is often viewed by many as a necessary but unpleasant activity to support it’s spiritual efforts. Though the truth is, tithing in the Church is first and foremost a form of ministry.
Through the practice of tithing we are encouraged to give. When we give to the Church in this way, it is as spiritual as entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick, or feeding the hungry.
When we tithe we are ministering to the Church by showing gratitude for God’s countless blessings, we are proclaiming his dominion over us, and we are providing the much needed funds to spread the Good News of salvation.
Tithing has turned into a grand adventure for many Christians. Since they undertook this methodical way of giving to the Lord’s work, abundant spiritual and material blessings have brightened their lives and lightened their burdens. (From Joan of Arc CC, Hershey PA)
We are grateful for all your gifts of time, lending us your talents, and sustaining our parish with your financial support.
The many Ways to support us
· Online via the Offertory Commitment Program
· Online with Givebutter
· Envelopes: call 978-664-3412
One-time gifts:
· Online with Givebutter
· Checks written to St. Theresa Parish
Wills, bequests, estate planning help is available: 978-664-3412
Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, cleaning, food preparation, tech, equipment, other expertise. Tax receipts are available.
We have many volunteer opportunities at our parish. They range from liturgical to the social organizing. If you would like to be a part of the team that keeps our parish alive, faithful, and fun, call the office today.